Thursday 8 May 2014

A Rant Before I'm Signing Out

I added a music player earlier but then my live traffic feed wasn't showing so I had to remove my music player D:< what the heck blogger OTL okay that's all. Pretty much nonsense but I still want my music player back without losing my live traffic feed hngg = ~ = I'll try again tomorrow I guess.

Isometric Projections & Plan Oblique

These two tasks were the last tasks for second assignment. That first drawing about isometric projection; was where we were given an ortographic projections drawing and make the 3D drawing in the scale of 1:50. The media used was catridge paper and pencil as the drawing tool. And the second one is plan oblique. Remember that first layout plan I made? yep. So I gotta rotate the photocopy of that and make a plan oblique by tracing back. Actually, I had fun doing the plan oblique o w o the draft was quite a struggle to made but it was fun when I trace back the draft again for the final result and added some more details on those furniture *^* the scale used was 1:75 :D I'll post the perspective drawings tomorrow orz I'm out of words.

Multi-View Drawing: Elevations & Sections

I'm baaack again with an update. Cries I want to post this tomorrow because my mind isn't functioning well but I want to get this done as soon as possible. I'm free now anyways orz Yeah, back to topic. this time, it's about....

/drum rolls/

Elevations and Sectioooons o/
The first two pictures are front and side elevation of a house which planes are posted on the update before this and the last two are the sections. Why am I telling you this? Just in case you can't read those huge titles and their scales (pft of course, thanks again captain obvious.) The media used for elevation drawings was catridge paper with pencil as a drawing tool and tracing paper and felt tip pens for the sections because we just needed to trace back the drawings u w u very convenient. The scale used was 1:75

Multi-View Drawing: Plan

Aaaannddd dun dun duuuun I swear these drawings got me pissed off the most lmao xD not only because while I was working on it, the kids in my class were saying the dimensions were wrong so I had to erase things here and there but then after a while I just did my work and ignore everything because I want to get the layout plan done as soon as possible e w e; 

From a drawing (a floor plan) given, I had to draw a layout plan that was in scale of 1:75. And then before submitting it, I had to photocopy it to make the floor plan and RCP.

The media used for layout plan was catrdige paper and the tool is pencil, while for both roof plan and RCP are tracing paper and felt tip pen.

I'll post more updates later mwehehe. So goodbye for now o w o Poka o/ (Poka means Goodbye in russian btw :3)

Symbols, Materials & Lineweight

I just said goodbye on my previous post in swedish earlier but I LIED BECAUSE I HAVE ANOTHER UPDATE WEEEE o/ ~ /dodges flying bricks/

Sooo this is an assignment that I got after the lecture about Symbols, Materials and Lineweight. I had to design a layout plan of a studio. There are some rules though; I had to keep the size of the studio in a 3000 x 3000 mm standard cube. The material used to construct the exterior wall had to be bricks, and gypsum panel for partition to divide the space.

The studio must had a drafting table, seating unit, a full-height cabinet and a white board. Oh right, the windows required had to be 3 panel full-height glass and another window that I wanted. The scale must be in 1:10 or either in 1:20 and 1:25 if I'm not wrong. I used sliding door for le entrance because- why not? u w u

Media used is tracing paper and the drawing tool is felt tip pen.

Ortographic Projection

Hello, I'm back with another rant post to update (・∀・ )ノ Sorry for the super late update because I'm a slow worker that like to lazying around do things in a very slow but steady pace better u _ u Celebration song for my comeback please!

LOL TERRIFIED MUCH? 8D /thrown away off the farthest cliff/ I don't know about you, but I never liked Barney because he's really creepy with his purple colour, pudgy tummy and pedophilliac big grin o _ o

Anyways, This assignment is about well- ortographic projection. .-. We were given a 3D object picture and the dimensions, and we have to draw the projections; including front, top and side view. The first assignment was in catrdige paper with pencil and the second one was in tracing paper with felt tip pen. Cries I didn't put the captions(?) for each elevations in order.

And that's a wrap for ortographic projection. Hej då! :3