Tuesday 29 April 2014

Lines & Text

And this was the first task about line and text assignment (why thank you, captain obvious). We had to make a promotional poster about ourselves. I don't quite remember the things that are suppose to be in the poster to be honest-- but I guess I had to include name, student ID number, date of birth, my favourite quote, uhh a motto that I live in? actually I have no motto in life because I have no life but I just wrote what I had in mind that time five words that describe my personality and three things I love and hate. I had fun doing this, actually o w o and I thought I did better than what I expected. It also needed to have lines in different angles (I forgot the degrees .-.) and different pencil thickness. Media is an A3 catridge paper and the tools used are 2H, 2B, 4B, 8B pencil, eraser and I forgot that other one must be a  pencil too but I don't know the thickness- /dodges flying bricks/ honestly though, after I re-read what I put there for "hate" I just realised how ancient my soul actually was.

As for this, the second task for line and text assignment. I remember I was doing this while getting drunk because of a glass of earl grey tea. Just kidding but seriously, those thin gaps between the lines seriously made me feel like I should just tear my tracing paper apart and give up on my life (no, I was just kidding and being a poopy drama king.) sooo we had to divide the tracing paper equally into 2 vertical sections. The first was a section for lettering and the second was for lines. The gaps between the lines are 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm. Uhh the angles used for the lines are 30, 45 and 60 degrees. The media used was, as mentioned earlier, an A3 tracing paper and the tools used are 2H pencil, 0.1 and 0.2 felt tip pens. See how bad the quality was? yeah I was sleepy and I didn't feel like doing things perfectly anymore xD

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