Wednesday 25 February 2015


I was just finished watching “The Imitation Game” the other day, and honestly I really enjoyed it. Here are several issues that I picked out of the movie, keeping my happiness seeing gay men in the movie aside:
First of all, feminism. This was shown where Joan Clarke was chosen as a candidate for breaking the enigma’s messages and making her parents felt conflicted because there were no other women there and she hadn’t married. Even now, this isn’t a rare issue is it? Where all your annoying girl friends will ask you (girls, can you feel me?) when will you get the love of your life; boyfriend, husband, or whatever. Girls can be strong too. Girls can work in an area where the majority are guys. Girls can live independently. Girls can say they don’t need a man. This is the open and modern society where people will and should only see another person as a person without seeing their gender.
Secondly and lastly, homosexuality. This was shown where Turing wanted to tell his schoolmate “I love you” and where he was said to had to take pills to reduce his “hormonal rage” so that could “heal” him for being homosexual. Now what I feel is that, I really don’t get how people will see something as “normal” and “abnormal” out of something that is completely irrational; which is love. A guy fell in love with a girl, everyone’s happy. A guy fell in love with a guy, some happy and some aren’t. What doesn’t make sense is, how does heterosexual love considered very much acceptable while homosexual isn’t while the two of them are just the same.... They are love? Love is about taking care of each other, accepting, giving in and trusting into each others’ arms but... Even in an open society today, some people are still looking homosexuality as a “disease” because they think it’s “disgusting” and “against what their holy books taught them”. Imagine a homosexual soldier killing one hundred man and he got all the praise from people, but seen weird and abnormal because of loving one. Which somehow I find very strange because people are not suppose to get blamed for innocently loving other people despite of gender. People are not suppose to apologise for being themselves as long as it’s not hurting anybody and themselves; mentally and physically.

            Overall, I can conclude that as time goes by, this world will evolve. People will change. However people are still people, and no matter what we do, they always find a reason to judge us. What illegal yesterday, might become legal today and vice versa. It is very sad yet amusing at the same time that even up to decades, the same group of people are still fighting for their rights. Decades just to get an acknowledgement in this beautiful world that’s filled with some horrible people. But what’s most important is, a person’s true self and value will never be able to be determined by gender and sexuality alone. There are more to that and people should learn to keep their own judgements to themselves because sometimes that’s just unhealthy, narrow minded and plain disrespectful. 

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