Thursday 17 March 2016

Sekinchan Trip, Part.3

As the run rose and the chilly air started to blow, morning had finally came around before we knew it. It was only the second day and I was already in love with my bed! However, we had to wake up early and I was ready for the next journey right when the clock ticked 6:30 A.M. The aircon was cold, the air outside was cold, everything was cold-- but things changed after I met a beautiful cat when I was taking a walk in my hotel. 

Look at this baby.
It was our last day in the hotel and we decided to head out for yet another exciting adventure. This time, we checked out the fishing village and Redang beach. The beach was sooo quiet and the water weren't as clean as expected, so we decided to goof around on the provided playground.

Fly, my friends.
As time passed by, we were informed by the lecturers that they've found the secret gem they were looking for; the fishing village. It was quite a struggle to find the right entrance (because there were many roads and I was honestly reaaally afraid of dogs. All the roads we went through had dogs guarding them ; - ; ) but after walking for a good 30 minutes, we finally found the majestic views of what we had been looking for! Some activities were found in our visit.

Men chatting in the morning
Dried fish! It made the whole neighbourhood smelled fishy huehue.
Just a bunch of fishermen relaxing, chilling and chatting together. 
Fishing appliances!  
People are experiencing the life of a fisherman on top of their boats. : )
 And of course, I happened to find two aunties cleaning some udang katak. They said they worth a lot and taste really delicious.

Fish net making process~
Until next time, fishing village!

The visit was finally over and we decided to call it a day. We were hungry and heard that someone invited the whole region to have some Raya feast. With mind settled on getting food, we embarked to the crime scene to fill our crying tummy.

*me shamelessly walking down the road and entering the feast*
Busy people, busy serving and giving foods for the guests!
Oh look, briyani rice with goat : " D
And so, after filling our tummy, we decided to call it a day and went back to our hotel. We headed out to some halal seafood restaurants to eat dinner and went to see the fireflies right after! Too bad pictures weren't allowed in the fireflies sighting location.

Oooh manta rays and fish eggs
And so, our last day in the hotel was over and we checked out in the next morning. We headed out for another adventure out there and found ourselves arriving at Hj. Dorani homestay in the afternoon. The sun was scorching hot!

A traditional malay house found in the homestay location. It had a bamboo accessory thing- and surrounded by beautiful flowers.

The homestay guy showing us how to paint batik and our preparation before painting our own artworks. We had lots of fun, we even tried catching some catfishes inside a mud pond, but we weren't allowed to bring phones to I had no pictures of the moment. It was a tiring day, but worth remembering for! After our time in the homestay was done, we headed to another hotel which was The Kabin, where we would experience living in containers. We ended the night with making barbecue for dinner.

The only photo I managed to capture during barbecue dinner because I was eating with my hands hAHAHA

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Sekinchan Trip, Part. 2!

The bus took our sleepy and a little tired selves to the Ahma House, It was a well known specialty cake and biscuit store in Sekinchan! I got in and found so many things that reminded me of my childhood like a mini cotton candy maker machine thing. There were also some interesting old stuffs displayed on the wall (which I fell in love with because I really like old stuffs). We also found a tram that was designed alike of those old cars that was on service to take us on a trip along the paddy fields. But our time was limited, and I was guessing people were almost dying due to the heat and the energy they've spent at the rice factory for the day!

The famous kue kapeh from the famous Ah Ma house <3 It took a while to make but it was very satisfying to watch for some reason.
As a couple of hours passed and we were done, we're on the bus again that started taking us to our next destination. The sky was getting dark, but it wasn't because time flew too fast. It was partly raining! Though, it was only a few seconds and the next moment, the sky was cheerful again and the sun finally defeated the dark clouds. The next place we visited was Nan Tian temple or Nine Emperor Gods Temple. The picture was a bit dark because... The sky was in transition between crying and stopped crying-

The overall front look of the temple. The temple was coloured in vibrant red and yellow.
Here are some more little details that might look unimportant but I overlooked, haha.
First one from the left, was a view that I saw when I climbed up one of the two towers in front of the temple. Actually, I wanted to take picture of the small dragon because that seemed like an important part of the temple's decoration. Same thing with the phoenix (or is it a dragon? : " ) )  and other decorations on the roof too! I believe they're called chien nien? 


Stunning pair of red columns and stone carving on the fence.
I could see this much paddy fields from the top of the tower. I was in my glory as a rice general for a good few seconds of amazing moment.
A closer look to the roof's decoration details: 

And more dragon carvings (chien nien) on the roof and on the wall:

The temple's interior. There were people praying but there wasn't much, and luckily I was able to take pictures and took a good look inside. Sssh, be quiet u w u

Originally, we wanted to visit Farm Ville Cafe & Homestay for case study because of the interesting design (which was mainly made of containers!) but the place was closed when we visited and only legit guests were allowed to come in (as in, you need to stay there to go in). Even though I didn't manage to literally explore everything-- at least I got to admire something behind the glass door.... While smushed in between the crowd from a certain distance : " D

That was the last destination for the day and we finally headed to the hotel (bed, yes, I love bed. Finally.). I was in one room with one of my classmates and my junior. We stayed in for the night because we were really drained! There was a lighthouse near our hotel room so we decided to climbed on and it wasn't something to regret at all because look at this majestic view.

The night view from the lighthouse where I stood. It was very pretty!
That was a wrap for day 1. See you in another post for another exciting day~*

Sekinchan Trip, Part. 1.

I'm back to writing again with a smile on my face because it felt like it was just yesterday since the day I visited Sekinchan. At the beginning, I didn't think something extraordinarily exciting would happen but a lot of things actually did because I managed to make some friends from this current semester. I'm so proud of myself--

There wasn't much pictures taken because my phone's battery ran down pretty quickly but I believe I've captured at least one picture each from every place we visited each day of the week! The trip was about 3 days and 2 nights, and definitely something worth remembering for.

A view from my window! Look at the paddy field. Apparently, it's harvesting season so all the plants have been harvested. They're not dried, abandoned or not well taken care of. : )

First destination that we ever visited was this rice factory in the middle of paddy fields under the hot, scorching sun. The factory was called Kilang Beras Rakyat Sekinchan by PLS Marketing (M) SDN BHD.

There was a part where we were gathered in some sort of classroom and explained about how the rice were planted and harvested but I didn't take picture of that, so have pictures of the rice gathering process and the packaging. I thought the packaging would be done by machine but it wasn't! It was done by hands.

The pathway at the factory led us not only to the whole process of how rice is produced, there were an area where they exhibited some old stuffs that the rice farmers would use in the days back then. I personally love old stuffs because I think they bring memories and are very interesting, so you can have a look of the pictures that I took at the site! They vary from the bamboo appliances, to a hat, bike, wooden furniture, and old electronics.

Aren't they pretty.

I've got quite a lot to tell in just one place because the factory had three attractions; first was the factory itself, then a shop, and lastly a cafe. Though I didn't get to get an entire look of the cafe, I managed to take some things that caught my interest like the display design and the cute pendant lamp. Apparently they were made of rice grains and crafted bamboos. I got to eat oreo flavoured ice cream that I bought from the shop too! It tasted just like regular ice cream, you just find bits of rice in every bite that you take.

And that wraps up my trip in the rice factory! See you in another post. 

Here's a picture of the paddy field just beside the rice factory as a bonus : " D

I'll ride to another post on this. Beep beep-